If you can pull money out of almost any ATM why can you not deposit money into almost any ATM?


If you can pull money out of almost any ATM why can you not deposit money into almost any ATM?

In: 210

21 Answers

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The money ATMs dispense belongs to whoever owns the ATM. Withdrawals from your bank account through an ATM are actually paid to the ATM company (plus the fee they charge for the service) after giving electronic proof that the money was dispensed.

But for deposits, banks have to physically receive your deposited money and cheques for them to be deposited into your account. Unless the ATM belongs to your bank, the logistics of actually dispersing cash to each seperate institution for *every* ATM everywhere would be prohibitively complex. No bank will accept the notion of crediting your account with funds, then maybe receiving the cash or cheque down the road if the company decides to pass it along. There are simply too many opportunities for fraud to occur.

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