if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?


if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?

In: 3296

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Most electric devices have a few tiny but very fast discharging and charging battery devices in them called capacitors. These capacitors can take a brief moment to discharge which in turn fully kills the power in the device.

Often times you can get away with a quick power cycle, mostly because the problem is in perhaps the application code and not the underlying system but capacitors don’t only help to start a system but also to regulate the system.

Electricity is often pretty consistent, but it has variances where power might dip veeeery slightly below what is expected coming into your house (or worse, exceed).

So we use capacitors to not only help jump-start energy expensive components (where they don’t use as much once started; ie. Your AC fan for instance) or to help stabilize flow.

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