if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?


if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?

In: 3296

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

With stuff like modems and routers, it’s not just about the capacitors but also all the stuff that’s connected to it.

Your wifi problem might be partially caused by a problem on your computer’s end. Turning the router off long enough that your computer notices its lost its connection might clear whatever problem that is when the computer does whatever it needs to do to reconnect. The guy from the phone company doesn’t know or care what’s actually broken on your computer’s end, but telling you to turn off the router and wait a minute is a way to rule out that whole class of problems.

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