if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?


if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?

In: 3296

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A few reasons:

* Some circuits hold onto power for a while and need a few seconds to “turn off” completely. A bit like pressing brakes on your car to stop.
* Some microchips need time to decide that your are resetting them, and will clear their settings before they power down entirely.
* Some devices are really sensitive to being powered back on and their protection circuits might not arm correctly if power is restored too quickly.
* Disk drives take time to stop spinning.

Newer computers are less sensitive to these issues and often can power down entirely within a second. But waiting out the 5-10 seconds costs very little time and ensures you are gentle to the device 👍

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