if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?


if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?

In: 3296

27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Every now and then, power will trip for milliseconds, but you normally will never notice this thanks to the invention of capacitors. They store electrical charge while the appliance is connected and turned on so when the power is interrupted for a very brief period of time and then returned to normal, the operation of a item such a PC is not interrupted as if the PC has been shut off and you have to fully go through the power on sequence again, because the capacitor then releases this stored charge to bridge the gap between this brief period of no power.

Well the only issue with this, is quickly turning a PC off and on again will unlikely have any effect because the capacitator will be doing its regular job and keeping the PC running, which is why it’s recommended to switch off and wait 5/10 seconds before starting back up, and is also why it’s recommended to switch off and wait 5+ seconds before working on electrical items to allow time for the capacitor to discharge all stored charge

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