if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?


if you have an issue with something powered by electricity, why do you need to count till 5/10 when you unplug/turn off power before restarting it?

In: 3296

27 Answers

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Say you’re trying to fill a cup of water from a garden hose. The water might overfill the cup, or might get stronger for a sec and knock the cup out of your hand, or someone inside the house may start the washing machine and make the hose water suddenly drop for a moment.

So instead, you poke a tiny hole in a bucket, aim the garden hose into the bucket, and fill the cup from the water coming out of the hole instead. No matter what the hose does, the trickle leaking out of the hole is steady and consistent as long as the hose stays on.

Then you shut the hose off – but water still keeps trickling out of the bucket for a few until it empties out. You need to give it a 5 or 10 count until the bucket is completely empty, even though the hose has already been shut off.

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