: If you throw a house spider outside are you condemning them to death?


: If you throw a house spider outside are you condemning them to death?

In: 32

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

death is not guaranteed, but likely. They like wind-less dry spaces, and those are hard to find outside. Maybe in the garage, or up in the porch rafters.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

I got properly upset the other day because there was a juvenile worker bee in my car as I was driving around Cambridge and I wasn’t sure where it got into my car so I didn’t know where to go to release it…

Anonymous 0 Comments

This is nothing more than “from just some guy on reddit” but I’ve always heard it depends on the weather. Warm spring they’ll do okay but cold winter they die. Just pick the gradient somewhere in between.

Anonymous 0 Comments

They existed before houses. No it’s just more following the law of nature outside a human house than in it