IGBT Power Cycling Circuit

244 viewsEngineeringOther

Hello everyone!

I need help understanding how to measure IGBT parameters to make a power cycling test circuit. Basically, I already have a circuit but I need to set the right amount of t\_on, t\_off, gate voltage (Vge to switch IGBT), and Vce to power cycle IGBT to failure. IDK if I’m doing it correctly but right now, I am trying to imitate this behavior from the IGBT datasheet of Collector to Emitter On Voltage vs Temperature (attached image) since I noticed the temperature change is faster (I need to save time in testing since it can reach up to million cycles before IGBT fails) BUT I can’t seem to figure out how to:

1. Measure if I have the right Vce(sat)
2. Measure collector current (Ic)

Right now I have a dc power supply connected to a relay that switches on and off using arduino with an input of 4.5V (just to switch the IGBT) and the collector is connected to a separate dc voltage supply at around 10volts. I know it switches properly cause when I put multimeter probs on my load (the 100ohm 20W cement resistor) it varies from 0 (IGBT is off) and 2.1 volts (IGBT is on) and to further confirm, I placed an LED and it switches on and off properly. Is it right that the Vce is the difference between the off state voltage in the load which is 0 then on state which is 2.1 volts, so Vce is at 2.1?

But despite that, I can’t get any measurement for the collector current maybe because I’m not measuring in the right place. if anyone can help me and tell me where to put my multimeter probes to measure collector current or help me understand the circuit deeper that would be a great help.

Also, if you guys know or have tips on how I decide my power cycling configurations, that would be appreciated too.

(IGBT I’m using is STGF7NB60SL)

Quite complicated but explain like I’m 5 with some engineering knowledge pls

In: Engineering

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