There are going to be ideas we will never be able to perceive, just like there are colors, sounds, and smells we can’t perceive, we are limited by our perception. Infinity is one of those things. Our way of understanding/measuring things requires a starting/ending point, if you say there’s no beginning/end we have no way to understand/measure it.
We’ve no idea.
What we perceive as the universe could be an atom in a much larger universe, which could be an atom in a much larger universe, which could be an atom in a much larger universe, etc. And the atoms in our universe could be universes which contain atoms which are universes which contain atoms which are universes, etc. Infinitely large and infinitely small, all the way up and all the way down. And from no subjective viewpoint anywhere within that chain would you ever be able to see it all.
Just have to hope that nobody upstairs chooses our universe to split as part of a science experiment!
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