I’m new to bonded titles


I’m in Texas and just bought a car with a bill of sale. I know it’s risky and am now looking at bonded titles. Can you explain what a surety bond is? And the caveats of getting the bonded title? Thanks in advance.

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If you have a bill of sale and the person who sold you the car has the title, you don’t need a bonded title. The seller can just transfer the title to your name. If it’s not a clear title or they don’t have the title at all then you should require the seller to fix that or give you your money back and return the vehicle.

A bonded title is basically “It’s mine, nobody should contest that it’s mine, but I can’t *prove* that it’s mine.” So you pay for a bond that is sufficient to pay off anyone that comes in with a valid title or lien on the vehicle.