I’m new to flying, can someone explain how passports and boarding a new country work?


Never flown as a adult before. Also, do not have a passport. Can someone explain how they work, in basic terms?

Do I buy a passport, fly, have the country stamp it which shown that I have permission to enter? What is a Visa?


6 Answers

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A passport is a document issued by a government that verifies that the holder is a national of said country. Different countries have different laws regarding nationality and issuance of passports so that’s the most generic answer I can give you. You apply for a passport with the issuing authority of your country of citizenship, and you usually have to pay a fee to get one. When you travel internationally, your passport will be stamped when you arrive at your destination, when you depart, and when you return to your home country. A visa is a document issued by a foreign government that gives you permission to enter that country for a specific purpose and period of time (e.g., student visa, tourist visa, business visa). Sometimes visas must be issued before you travel, and sometimes they are issued when you arrive. Many countries have agreements with other countries that their citizens can travel between them without a visa for some period of time.

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