Im not from Europe. Can someone explain what are the Balkans exactly and why there’s “beef” between them?


Im not from Europe. Can someone explain what are the Balkans exactly and why there’s “beef” between them?

In: 2271

46 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A lot of bullshitty explanaitions here, so here’s the actual, real one:

Balkan people are racist. This is the first fact. The second fact is that at some point, looking at the map, basically every country owned some part of their neighnour’s territory. And the third fact is the Ottoman Empire (or really the Turkish country) ruling some of the countries for 300 or even 500 years and then on top of that comes the USSR or Russia, who occupied a lot of countries and turned them communistic.

Now keeping all those facts in mind, I can start with some relations and some slavs can continue adding in information:

Bulgaria owned North Macedonia’s lands for a few hundred years, and when the communists came they ordered the North Macedonians’ country to be created and separated, so Bulgarians think North Macedonia is actually Bulgaria.

Greeks owned North Macedonia lands for hundreds of years too, so they think they own them and their land, so that is that.

Greeks fought with Bulgarians and did some massive cruelties, so Greece has steets named “Basil, the Bulgarian Slayer” and Bulgarians don’t call them Greeks but “wankers”.

Ottoman (Turkish) empire occupied Greece for around 300 years and Bulgaria for around 500, so both countries hate them for that.

Bulgarians actually do get along with Romanians so there isn’t really much hate there.

Serbs hate muslims so the Albanians that were located in Kosovo’s territory, which was then part of Serbia, decided to fight for their freedom and Serbs attacked them back. So Serbs hate Albanians and the people of Kosovo.

North Macedonia’s government knows their country has an 80 years old history and they did not exist as a separate country ever, so they are writing and propagandizing a new history, which angers all their neighbours who owned this land at different times.

Bulgarians don’t like each other with Serbs, because they fought a few wars.

And now more slavs can add more relationships

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