in 3d modeling or rendering how far big is the void?


like in videogames out of bounds of the map, the void space is infinite? a loop?

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A 3D game is just a program that does a bunch of fancy math to figure out the coordinates of triangles in 3D space.

It then tells the GPU to do a bunch more fancy math to figure out the 2D coordinates of the triangles on the screen. There are some tricks to throw out triangles that aren’t in view of the in-game camera, and deal with cases where a triangle overlaps another triangle further away.

If the in-game camera is looking at a place where the game hasn’t calculated any triangles would be in its field of view, what you see is…whatever the game told the GPU to draw before drawing the triangles. That could be just a simple color like black or grey, or it could be some kind of sky effect.

Some games have a big box of very far away, very big triangles with distant scenes on them. In other words, the sky in a game is often just a cube of movie screens showing whatever the game’s sky effect is. In some games the cube is locked to the player, in others it could just be fixed in space. If you put the camera outside the cube, pointing further into space, again, you see…probably just black or grey.

I should also mention rounding issues. If you want to calculate 1/3, your calculator will tell you it’s 0.33333333, but a mathematician will tell you this is technically a wrong answer; the calculator’s rounded away the remaining 0.0000000033333333… because 8 decimal places is good enough for almost all purposes, and the calculator doesn’t have an infinite amount of memory.

The fancy 3D math in games rounds, just like your calculator. This means the math is always wrong but the wrongness is usually so small as to be unnoticeable. But for technical reasons, the wrongness becomes more noticeable with larger numbers. So when the player / camera is *very far away* from the origin, the math is wrong enough that you will notice: Game systems start to behave in janky, buggy, broken or downright weird ways. The developer never intended this stuff to occur, it’s just what happens because of rounding when you feed very large numbers into the specific calculations done by a particular game.

Rounding is the cause of the infamous [Far Lands]( in older versions of Minecraft.

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