in 3d modeling or rendering how far big is the void?


like in videogames out of bounds of the map, the void space is infinite? a loop?

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5 Answers

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That depends on how it is implemented by a programmer.

If the coordinates are represented by *integers*, then the space goes on for about 2 billion “minimal distances” in every direction. How long is minimal distance? That is decided by a programmer. After you reach the end – you’ll get instantly teleported to the opposite end, because integers wrap around (after the maximal value they loop back to the minimal value).

If the coordinates are represented as *floating point values*, then the space goes for about 300000000000000000000000000000000000000 “unit distances”. However, the distance between nearby points is not constant – near the origin it is 1/16millionth of the unit distance, but it become more and more sparse as you go away from the origin. If you go far enough, your character starts to “jitter”, as it now teleports between nearby points. Eventually, the grid becomes sparser than your walking speed – after that you can no longer move. But if you somehow would go further, you would eventually reach the final value – Infinity. Once you reach infinity, you can’t leave – as it is infinitely far away from everything else.

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