In ancient times, how did humans overcome their self-preservation instincts to engage in hand-to-hand combat during wars?


In ancient times, how did humans overcome their self-preservation instincts to engage in hand-to-hand combat during wars?

In: 43

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

There are several different things at work:

Formation – in a battle formation such as the pike square, the people in the back row are safe and thus have no reason to run; while the persons in front are hemmed in and has no place to run. Since there is no where else for you to go, might as well do what everyone around you is doing and fight.

Camaraderie – you are fighting along side people whom you share a deep bound with. In the ancient world, most armies are non-professional. In this case, you’d be fighting along side the people from your village, people that your grew up with. You’d feel the emotional rush to fight with them, and you’d also know that there will be shame waiting for you back at the village if you displayed cowardice. In the rare cases of professional armies, boot camps, as it is in today’s professional armies, build that camaraderie.

Economic incentives – in the ancient world, there aren’t many routes of upward social mobility. If your were born a peasant farmer, chances are that your will stay a peasant farmer for life, and the same for your children and your children’s children. But war, and let’s be real, loot, is one way to escape your lot in life.

Also, it’s already mentioned by other answers, the instinct of self preservation is present on both sides. And in most cases, both armies look to preserve self rather than charge in bloodlust.

Lastly, if this is the stuff that interests you, then I highly recommend going down the additive rabbit hole at r/AskHistoians. The latest thread that covers your question is [here](

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