— in electrical work NEUTRAL and GROUND both seem like the same concept to me. what is the difference???


edit: five year old. we’re looking for something a kid can understand. don’t need full theory with every implication here, just the basic concept.

edit edit: Y’ALL ARE AMAZING!!

In: 4172

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This may not be 100% technically accurate, but I think it’s ELI5 enough to answer the question in an understandable manner.

Think of a bathtub.

The live wire is the tap, it always has water in it.

The bathtub is the circuit, it’s where the water is used.

The neutral wire is the drain. It’s where the water is supposed to go after it’s done in the tub.

The ground is the overflow hole in the side of the tub. If the drain is broken, or if someone dumps way too much water into the tub, water can still go out the hole, instead of ruining the carpet.

Edit: For all of you asking why my bathroom has carpet, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/fcfikt/people_that_have_a_carpeted_bathroom_why/)

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