— in electrical work NEUTRAL and GROUND both seem like the same concept to me. what is the difference???


edit: five year old. we’re looking for something a kid can understand. don’t need full theory with every implication here, just the basic concept.

edit edit: Y’ALL ARE AMAZING!!

In: 4172

22 Answers

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OK, Electrician here:
On AC Systems

The neutral is there to carry current back to the source, in most cases that is the transformer in on the pole. This completes the circuit.

The ground is there as a safety to catch extreme spikes in voltage (e.g. Lightning strikes) and the higher voltage overcomes the resistance of the earth.

They are tied together at the “Service Entrance” (typically your breaker panel) because most common faults will not have enough energy to be properly absorbed by the earth. It also provides an uncharged circuit to tie to metal casings on things like kitchen appliances.

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