— in electrical work NEUTRAL and GROUND both seem like the same concept to me. what is the difference???


edit: five year old. we’re looking for something a kid can understand. don’t need full theory with every implication here, just the basic concept.

edit edit: Y’ALL ARE AMAZING!!

In: 4172

22 Answers

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Picture a swimming pool on a cliff overlooking the ocean. There is a pool pump that pumps water up out of the pool to the pool heater on the roof of the house and then the water runs back down another pipe out of the heater back to the pool. The pipe connected to the pump pushing the water up to the heater is the black wire – the hot. The water pressure is voltage. The amount of water going through the pipe is current, amperage. The amount the heater slows the water down is resistance. The pipe back down to the pool is the neutral wire. The emergency release valve that dumps the water out of the heater to run back down to the ocean below the cliff (not the pool) if something goes wrong is the ground.

The neutral returns the power to the source of the power. The ground returns the power to the ground. Literally. To be absorbed into the earth like water into a sponge.

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