— in electrical work NEUTRAL and GROUND both seem like the same concept to me. what is the difference???


edit: five year old. we’re looking for something a kid can understand. don’t need full theory with every implication here, just the basic concept.

edit edit: Y’ALL ARE AMAZING!!

In: 4172

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ok. Think of electrical current like water in a pipe.
The water starts out in the pipe (hot side, full potential)
The water goes down the pie to the tap (load,losing? some potential)
The water goes through the tap, doing its work (light is on, potential even lower)
Water goes to the drain to go back to the reservoir/tank after doing its work( current to neutral, no potential- or very low potential)
Drain line to reservoir (neutral, no or very low potential)
Drain line down to tank also has vent line to prevent over pressure up to atmosphere (neutral -very low potential- tied to ground -theoretically no potential as safety- therefore neutral can’t ever have real long lasting potential)


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