in hotels, if you lose your room key card, how are they able to reprogram the new one so it works and the old one doesn’t?


Is there some system that transmits information to your door card reader on what the new key is, or is it something different entirely?

In: 1028

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Many modern electronic card locks use a rolling code system: the lock is preprogrammed with a set of guest key IDs it expects to see

If the lock sees any of the next code in sequence, it assumes that the previous guest have checked out or replaced their card, and will refuse to accept that previous card

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe some modern locks have some transmitter, but the majority of electronic locks used for years do not. The lock basically gets programmed with a handheld terminal, this terminal also gets programmed by the system that encodes the cards. Each lock needs a correct code and correct date to open that particular lock, the card is programmed with that code and operating time code, meaning the card will work when you have the room booked but after checkout the next day the card will no longer work.

For that reason if you decide to stay an extra night your card will need to be updated, it wont happen automatically.

Anonymous 0 Comments

where i work (not a hotel but has an access control system), credentials are assigned to readers, not the other way around. this makes it so any given badge can be given or denied access to any given door

Anonymous 0 Comments

Each lock has a room number, and a list of random numbers stored in the little computer in the lock. It keeps track of which number from the list is “active”.

The computer at reception has a list of numbers for each room’s lock, and also which one is “active”. They use the computer to store a room number and key number on the card.

When they create a new key at the front desk, they make it with the next number on the lock’s list. When you try to open the door with it, the lock gets the room and key number and thinks, “wait a second, let me check the list… that’s not the current key number… but it is the next one on the list, so I guess this is the next guest.” The lock makes the next number on the list “active” and that key will continue to work until a new key comes along with the next number on the list. If you try a key with the wrong number, or a key number that isn’t the “active” one or the next on on the list, the lock simply doesn’t open.

Some systems also include a date, so that a card will automatically stop working after a certain amount of time.

There’s variations on the theme, but they work similarly, so no radios or extra wiring is necessary. They also have special numbers for hotel staff “master keys” which are handled differently. Places with stricter security can get locks that have wired (usually) connections to computer systems that use more complicated ways determining who the card holder is and what they have permission to access.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well ok, I’ve read the answers and they make sense, however many times I’ve lost my key, but my wife still has hers. I’ll go to the front desk and tell them I’ve lost my key to room X. After verifying I’m me they will just hand me a new card. Yet the card my wife currently has still works. So how do they know which card to invalidate? Now I’m not positive, but I don’t remember if we have to hand over the unlost working key or not. (Maybe I’m forgetting and we actually do give them the remaining card)

Anonymous 0 Comments

They’re not reprogramming the room key.

Each room key has a unique identifier.

Each lock has a unique identifier.

Locks are powered and networked to a central computer.

When you’re assigned to a room, the desk clerk selects a random key, swipes it in a reader to get its identifier, and the computer records that that key’s identifier is allowed to open that door.

When lose your room key, the desk clerk selects a random key, swipes it in a reader to get its identifier, and the computer records that that key’s identifier is allowed to open that door, and that the old key’s identifier isn’t.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Imagine there’s a central computer somewhere in the hotel, connected to all the door locks in the building. Every time a card is swiped on a door, the door sends a request to this computer, basically saying something like, “hello computer, this is door #742. Someone just swiped a key card in me that has a code of b947a9fe9c923c874011958390a9859f. Should I unlock the door?” The computer checks to see if that’s a valid combination, and then tells the door what to do.

When you lose the key card to your room and ask for a new one, the person at the front desk tells the central computer that they’d like to associate a new key card (with a new code) to door #742. The central computer updates its database with the new code for door #742. Now, if someone finds the key card you lost and tries to swipe it on door #742, it won’t work because the central computer will only allow your new key card to open the door.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So how it works is every card is blank. Once u check into a room the card is encoded with the date and the data needed to open the door. When swiping in it checks both to see if it matchs up. They sometime encode other data but mostly just that.

When u lose the key hotels DO NOT re-encode a new card with the same data. The reason being if someone took the key they would be able to enter your room. They ALWAYS re encode a new code to the locks and key. Even a single key they will re code the door and no old key will work even the ones u have.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends on the type of lock, for systems I manage the strikes (the device that locks the doors, often with a magnet or something) are connected to a controller board. So the invalidated card can be immediately taken off the list of allowed key cards. If the controller card is disconnected, you have to go to the strike and manually program it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The hotel I used to work, both keys would still work, until you swiped the new key, I guess like someone else said, it is a rolling code, until they new key is swiped, the old key would still work, however the lock keeps tracks of date, so whenever a new key is swiped, the lock knows when the new check out date is. Many times I had to go up to guests rooms to block their keys, by swiping a new key.