in hotels, if you lose your room key card, how are they able to reprogram the new one so it works and the old one doesn’t?


Is there some system that transmits information to your door card reader on what the new key is, or is it something different entirely?

In: 1028

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

IT guy here, depends what kind of system they use. The most common are RFID which are the type you hold near the door or insert and it reads them.

The door locks are linked back to a bit of software that control access to the doors. The cards are pre-programmed to have an ID number and they are all loaded into the system. So when you give a person a card, you grant that card number access to the door.

If you lose your card, you tell the front desk, they block that card as lost, and give you a new one, which they put on the allow list. If the lost card is used anywhere, it has no access, and typically will alert security.

How do they know the card number when it’s lost?
Cards are pre loaded and when given to a guest they are noted as being assigned. If they are lost you lookup cards that can access the door, and remove the missing one.

How do they reprogram my card?
They typically don’t , the card has a set ID. They give you a new card with a new ID, they add the new ID to the system with access to your door.

Anything else I should know?
These cards allow them to track you, or their employees. Swipe a card, they know you accessed that area. Stuff missing in your room? Check the card logs to see who accessed your room, look at that the card assigned to the maids went in…. alert security.

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