Imagine there’s a central computer somewhere in the hotel, connected to all the door locks in the building. Every time a card is swiped on a door, the door sends a request to this computer, basically saying something like, “hello computer, this is door #742. Someone just swiped a key card in me that has a code of b947a9fe9c923c874011958390a9859f. Should I unlock the door?” The computer checks to see if that’s a valid combination, and then tells the door what to do.
When you lose the key card to your room and ask for a new one, the person at the front desk tells the central computer that they’d like to associate a new key card (with a new code) to door #742. The central computer updates its database with the new code for door #742. Now, if someone finds the key card you lost and tries to swipe it on door #742, it won’t work because the central computer will only allow your new key card to open the door.
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