in hotels, if you lose your room key card, how are they able to reprogram the new one so it works and the old one doesn’t?


Is there some system that transmits information to your door card reader on what the new key is, or is it something different entirely?

In: 1028

35 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Maybe some modern locks have some transmitter, but the majority of electronic locks used for years do not. The lock basically gets programmed with a handheld terminal, this terminal also gets programmed by the system that encodes the cards. Each lock needs a correct code and correct date to open that particular lock, the card is programmed with that code and operating time code, meaning the card will work when you have the room booked but after checkout the next day the card will no longer work.

For that reason if you decide to stay an extra night your card will need to be updated, it wont happen automatically.

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