In regards to British history, who are the Celts, Britons, Picts and Anglo-Saxons?


In regards to British history, who are the Celts, Britons, Picts and Anglo-Saxons?

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Britons and Picts are two groups of Celts, with Picts primarily living in modern day Scotland and Britons living in modern day England and Wales.

The Celts are an ancient group of people with a similar language and culture. They were not a country, like England and Scotland today. The Celtic culture was once prominent across almost all of Western Europe. However, with the rise of the Roman Republic, and later the Roman Empire, the Celtic languages and culture began to be replaced with Roman culture. In places that the Romans did not conquer, like Ireland and Scotland, the culture and language survived.

Britain was part of the Roman empire for hundreds of years, and they founded important cities, like London (founded around the year 50). However, it was not a core part of the empire, and frequently faced invasion from the Picts, and rebellions. Eventually, around the year 400, the Romans began to give up on Britain. Around this same time, the Angles and Saxons were groups of people living in Norther Germany (near the present-day border with Denmark). They were neither Celtic nor Roman. When Roman rule began to collapse in Britain, they migrated to the island in large numbers. Large enough that the region became known as England (modified from Angle-Land, i.e. Land of the Angles). This new culture, which is a mix of the old Roman culture and the new German culture, is called Anglo-Saxon.

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