In sports, what is an athlete’s “ceiling” and how do professional scouts determine that ceiling?


In sports, what is an athlete’s “ceiling” and how do professional scouts determine that ceiling?

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2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Ceiling is a term used to describe someone’s ultimate potential. Scouts tend to use raw physical tools to measure someone’s ceiling. So for example; size, strength, speed, etc. Additionally, they may also use more intangible qualities like leadership, work ethic and performance in pressure situations. Taking all of these factors into account they then project how they think an athelete will perform throughout their careers. Basically it is by definition only a prediction based on an educated guess.

Using a comparison is sometimes helpful. So let me ask you, what professional sport do you follow closely or are you most familiar with?

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a projection for how good the athlete could be at their peak. Scouts estimate it based on some raw physical attributes (height, speed), potential for physical development (can a player bulk up and become better as a result?), current skill level and how “polished” they are (say comparing route running of a wide receiver who’s been playing the position since he was 7 vs. a former QB who decided to shift to WR last season), looking at knowledge/intelligence in the sport, coachability/willingness to practice hard and learn, etc.