In terms of production, how movie music/score is done to fit the scene?

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I can’t understand the process of score production. When a film is being shot, I suppose the director and the music producer do their stuff simultaneously. So how come the final movie has a synced-up music to it?

What I mean is that a particular music track has its pace, moments of culmination, build-ups etc. the same applies to the image.

I guess it must be post-production and montage, but how is it that both parties know how to express a given scene? What’s first? The music or a silent scene? Which one dictates how it looks like?

The same for songs. Do you first write the lyrics or create music? How does the process look like, especially, when there are different people working on it?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Composers usually come in after the movie has been shot and is in the process of being edited. The director will discuss themes and ideas that they want to convey, what they have in mind for certain scenes, and might show them a rough cut of the movie. The composer goes off and writes and records some ideas, and then it’s a process on making it just right for the movie. But the music is usually composed to the movie, not the other way around. The composer might know that there’s a tense 3 minute scene with a sudden jumpscare at 1:37. They can write a composition with all that in mind. It’s also very normal that more music is written and composed than appears in the movie.

As for how songs are written, there’s no single answer. Some people write lyrics first, some write music first, some write in collaboration with others, some write purely by and for themselves. It’s art, there’s no single way it’s done, or a right way or wrong way. Also every song can be different. Creativity isn’t always consistent.

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