in the early years of video game emulation, how did they rip cartridge roms like NES ,SNES etc.. onto PC?

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in the early years of video game emulation, how did they rip cartridge roms like NES ,SNES etc.. onto PC?

In: Technology

8 Answers

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I can attest for the SNES at least. My friend had a device called a Game Doctor. It went on top of the snes, and was just a bit smaller than the whole SNES. It had a floppy disk drive and a cartridge slot on top. When you powered on SNES you got the Game Doctor menus and there was a setting to dump/export a game.

So in his case we put a game in and depending on the game size, it could be on 1,2,3 or even 4 floppies. The files on the disks were the same as the rom files used for emulators. Then I realized we could do it backwards so we got the translated Final Fantasy 5 rom, put it on floppies and were playing it on the SNES.

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