in those old videos of atomic bomb tests destroying buildings, how does the camera/footage survive?


I’m referring to those old black and white videos of US atomic bomb tests – it always shows buildings and other constructions being literally blown away but the camera seems fine

In: 81

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lots of good answers here but i want to point out something that people don’t always realize. Nuclear blasts are not quite as powerful as perhaps sci-fi has lead us to believe. Play around with that website Nukemap. A large portion of the damage from nuclear weapons is simply heat that starts fires. They don’t literally vaporize cities. Even the largest H bomb thermonuclear weapons in our arsenal would only truly vaporize about 1.5 mile radius. Outside that 1.5 miles you get blast damage to 10 miles but that is easy to protect a camera from. And again, that’s our biggest ICBM nuke (according to Nukemap anyway) most of them are much smaller and the ones in the videos may have been smaller still.

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