For auto insurance, those refer to the limits, the maximum amount that your insurance will pay. In order, these would mean:
$25,000 Bodily Injury per Person – if someone gets hurt in an accident that you’re at fault for, your insurance will pay them up to $25,000
$50,000 Bodily Injury Per Accident – if *multiple* people are hurt in an accident that you’re at fault for, your insurance will pay up to $50,000 split between them
$25,000 Property Damage Per Accident – if you cause any property damage, up to $25,000 will be paid to the owner of that property, whether it’s a car, house, fire hydrant, whatever
The thing to remember here is that if you cause more damage than your insurance will cover, *you* will be liable for it. If you break someone’s leg badly and they need $80,000 worth of medical care, your insurance will pay them $25,000, and they might sue you for the other $65,000. So the numbers you have here (25/50/25) I believe are the minimums in Indiana that you have to carry by law, but it might be worth seeing what it costs to bump up those limits, depending on your situation.
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