Interest rate derivatives


Interest rate derivatives

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6 Answers

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Anonymous 0 Comments

A financial derivative is a contract between two parties that derives its value from an underlying security. Futures and options are types of derivatives.

Interest rate derivatives are derivatives that are tied to “rates markets” ie bonds. These derivatives include bond futures, credit default swaps etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A financial derivative is a contract between two parties that derives its value from an underlying security. Futures and options are types of derivatives.

Interest rate derivatives are derivatives that are tied to “rates markets” ie bonds. These derivatives include bond futures, credit default swaps etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

A financial derivative is a contract between two parties that derives its value from an underlying security. Futures and options are types of derivatives.

Interest rate derivatives are derivatives that are tied to “rates markets” ie bonds. These derivatives include bond futures, credit default swaps etc.