Internet Speed

376 viewsOtherTechnology

I know that internet providers gives you a limited bandwidth for uploading and download and most of the times they divided with more download speed than upload. How does this division work? Is it a hardware thing , like the cable is specifically made for download/uploaded speed ? Is it possible to have a flexible division between these two, for example if I wanna download I have 90/10 division and if I wanna upload 10/90? (Excuse my English, it’s not my mother language).

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Depends on the type of media, most of the dedicated stuff for internet, like fiber and ethernet, supports the full bandwidth in both directions simultaneously. So if you have fiber internet, you essentially get symmetric all the time in both directions, and any restrictions from that are purely policy.

Cable is different, generally, you get 125x 6MHz channels. Each channel supports communication in one direction (primarily because these are shared links). So they’ll do stuff like 100 channels for TV, 20 for download, and 5 for upload. The modem can spread upload and download over a few channels too.

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