Is a carb a carb? How do different carbs effect blood sugar levels, insulin, glycogen and diabetes?


I read that a carb is a carb and if it fits your macros then don’t worry. But then I also read that sugar is terrible for you and you should eat complex carbs because of blood sugar levels. Whats this all about? Blood sugar, glucose, insulin, and diabetes? Can someone ELI5?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

As far as diabetes goes people have explained glycaemic index ( or GI – slow release vs fast release carbs) quite well.

In diabetes management (more for type 1, insulin deficient diabetes) we use carb units that then relate to the amount of insulin a person will need for that amount of carbs (this ratio varies a lot person to person). However the rate of release can depend on both the GI and other things about the meal – amount of fat say makes a big difference, as that delays absorption by slowing stomach emptying. The persons sugars will also be different if they are exercising, or stressed, or depending on the time of day.

This is mainly to say even if we have a really good grasp on the carbs going in and their GI (which we do now, which is great), diabetes and blood sugar control is still really difficult due to all the factors involved.

(Sorry for going a little off brief, but i love this stuff and miss explaining diabetes to patients now I’m on maternity).

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