Is all sugar equally bad? If not, what makes the sugar in fruit different?


Is all sugar equally bad? If not, what makes the sugar in fruit different?

In: 1508

19 Answers

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Sugar is sugar, your body doesn’t see the difference between the sugar in an apple and the sugar cube you liked as a kid. Your body converts sugars to glucose and you body uses this as fuel. To much and it gets stored as fat.

The difference is the package. In an apple you’ll also find fibers and other nutrition your body can use. So it’s healthier. Doesn’t mean you won’t get fat on apples. Two pieces is a good guideline to follow to keep the sugar intake normal.

Same reason why juices aren’t the best choice too. You won’t throw down 6 or 7 oranges. Yet a pack of orange juice is easily disposed of. To much sugar.

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