Is every remote server a cloud server?


Is every remote server a cloud server?

In: 4

12 Answers

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No. A cloud server is one generally accessible over the Internet and typically located in an environment where multiple servers are hosted. Cloud can be be public, private or hybrid. This refers not so much to where it is physically located but to how it is exposed (made visible for access) and accessed.

You can connect to another server by means other than connecting over the Internet.

Alternatively, you can connect to a server via an Internet connection but then the connections breaks out from the Internet to private connections to a server located away from a typical shared hosting environment.

For example, you could have a friend install your Raspberry Pi setup as a web server in their home connected to their Internet connection. You could connect remotely to that computer both with a web browser and also with software that would let you have a terminal session on it as if it was next to you. You’d do both of these over the Internet. The Raspberry Pi wouldn’t be in the cloud.

You might make that Pi available over the Internet offering web services. To most people it will look like it is in the cloud. Arguably it is in the cloud at this point as long as it is relatively easy and transparent for people to connect to it. There’s no definitive definition.

You could connect to your friends house by other means. Perhaps they are close enough to have overlapping wifi. Or you put a mobile signal connection on it. Or you install a cheap lora radio connection.

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