Is Gatorade with electrolytes useful or just sugar?


I feel like I’m getting mixed responses when it comes to drinking Gatorade more. I find I feel a little light headed after strenuous exercising in the gym.

Is Gatorade with electrolytes only for if you get very sweaty in the gym or can it be consumed either way? I don’t always get very sweaty after working out but sometimes I do.

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So, Gatorade and other electrolyte drinks are most helpful when you are very sweaty, ie you are losing a lot of electrolytes and water and are very dehydrated.

It doesn’t matter if you’re getting dehydrated from working out in the gym or from working outdoors in the summer.

If that ISNT the case, then chances are Gatorade is still fine, but normal water would be just as good if not better.

Because if you aren’t losing a crap ton of electrolytes and water from sweating it all out, you don’t really need the electrolytes in the Gatorade. They’re not going to hurt you, but they’re not really helping you either. Plus Gatorade also has a lot of sugar in it to make it an acceptable flavor for people. So unless you want that sugar too for whatever reason, normal water I’d probably fine if not better

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