Is hunger affected by the portion size, or the amount of calories?


For example, if I eat a small steak with 500 calories, will I feel full for longer than if I ate 10 rice cakes with 30 calories each?

In: 88

20 Answers

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So hunger will be effected by raw calories , portion size and also by the type of food

Juice is full of calories but doesn’t fill you up for hunger much since it goes through you with less digestion needed since it’s liquid already

Carb rich foods will get “burned up”faster in digestion (simplifying a lot here) so you will get hungry faster with them

Protein and fat takes a really long time to digest so you won’t feel hungry for a lot longer with them

So if you had 1000 calories of each

Juice < rice < steak would be the order of how long they would let you feel fulfilled

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