Is inflation inevitable in all successful economies? Throughout history, has there ever been a society that maintained 0% inflation for a long term while still maintaining a good quality of life?


Is inflation inevitable in all successful economies? Throughout history, has there ever been a society that maintained 0% inflation for a long term while still maintaining a good quality of life?

In: 5

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Typical economic policy deliberately keeps a slight rate of inflation.

The reason is that economies are more active when capital (money available for investment) is being actively invested in building up the economy than when it’s being saved in a bank account or a bunch of gold bars somewhere or whatever. In an inflationary environment, people with money are encouraged to invest it, because it will slowly become less valuable if they hold onto it. That produces economic growth, which most governments are trying to encourage. In a *de*flationary environment, on the other hand, people with money are encouraged to hoard it, because it’s becoming *more* valuable over time.

It’s not that you *can’t* avoid inflation, it’s that you don’t want to. (Of course, *too much* inflation is also bad, but that’s another matter.)

Anonymous 0 Comments

To answer that question you need to understand what inflation is exactly. Currency and Wealth are two different things. Wealth is stuff of value for human, either a product, a natural resource or a service. Currency is just something that help trade wealth. There is a relationship of supply and demand between the two.

The supply is the currency and the demand is the wealth, because the more wealth you have the more you want to trade it with others. In general, wealth increase over time. The population increase so more worker, the technology and education increase so we are more productive, etc.

So this mean that if demand (wealth) increase, but the supply (currency) stay the same, then the value of the currency will increase, which would be deflation. But if we add currency to the economy faster than the wealth increase, then we get more supply than demand, which lead to a decrease in the value of the supply (currency), we call that inflation.

So as a country you can decide how much currency you want to add to the economy to control like a valve how much deflation or inflation you want. But unlike a valve, this is a very complex and dynamic problem. You can try to estimate how much wealth will increase, but you will never estimate exactly. You also can’t simply add an exact amount of currency in the economy, you need to add it indirectly (too complicated to explain here).

So even if you wanted to stay at 0% inflation, that would just be impossible. So usually countries try to target about 2% inflation. That way with natural variation you should vary between 0 and 4% inflation, which are all relatively healthy level of inflation. You don’t want to go into deflation long term or too high of an inflation.

The other advantage of targeting 2% is that a little bit of inflation is actually good. It incentivize people to invest their money instead of keeping it. Money invested is money that do work and that’s good for economic growth.

So no it would be physically impossible to keep your inflation at 0%, but even if it was possible that wouldn’t be good for economic growth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Judging by modern standards of what a “good quality of life” is, our societies today are the only examples that have ever existed

Anonymous 0 Comments

Inflation is inevitable in a *growing* economy. Inflation should be used to describe an increasing money supply, but layman usage has incorporated any increase in price into the definition which makes it harder to use. Price can go up and down because of supply vs demand, but that shouldn’t be called inflation. Price that goes up because of increasing money supply is inflation. M1, M2, and all these other designations are to show money supply that increases because you need more money in circulation to support a (supposedly) growing economy where new industries are entering the system, old ones are growing bigger, etc. Quality of life depends on time, place, and the social policies of a given society. And *whose* QOL we’re talking about here. Rich people? Working people? Domestically? Abroad? Money supply could also be going up because… Bankers (by which I mean the Federal Reserve). Wall Street. Shenanigans. Shady shit that media will explain to people so they understand the situation the “proper” way.

Is a stagnant economy that bad? Only if you’re a capitalist system that *must* grow and return a profit or else fall apart because literally no alternative. Capitalism is fundamentally unsustainable because resources are finite. Once you’ve captured every natural resource for profit, the only other resource left is other people. That’s why capitalism is also inherently imperialistic. If country A trades $100 worth of goods with country B, no one gained more. If country A enslaves country B, it’s all profit for A (minus investment in war). Nowadays, it’s economic warfare, geopolitics, alliances, trade wars. But if you’re the world’s leading military power with all the tech, nukes, and capital influence, you get what you want. And by “you” I mean the wealthy, obviously.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Well, inflation is a fairly arbitrary measure of a phenomenon that isn’t that well understood and has only really been studied in certain kinds of societies, so it’s hard to make any general statements about what might be possible.

Inflation is usually measured by comparing the price in a given currency of a given basket of goods over time. Currencies can work in all kinds of different ways, and the choice of basket of goods is somewhat arbitrary, so who knows what’s possible? For example, you could imagine a highly segmented society in which there isn’t really a meaningful overall inflation rate, but instead different rates in different parts of the society.

All we can really say is that, in contemporary capitalist societies, both deflation and very high inflation tend to be associated with economic problems. But we don’t really know which direction the causality goes in, and a recurring problem with economics is that our understanding of the economy feeds back into the economy, leading to self-fulfilling prophecies. For example, maybe the reason why economies with 2% inflation tend to do well is because everyone believes they will do well, leading to increased investment and confidence.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The US had very little inflation for most of its history. From 1776 to 1951, the average inflation rate was about 0.63% per year using [this calculator]( from 1951 to today it’s averaged 3.44%
per year. You can argue about whether the US was a good quality of life in those days, but the US economy was one of the better economies in the world during that period of time.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Societies don’t want 0% inflation, they want at least a small amount…

Having some inflation incentivizes people to do something with their money — either spend it or invest it. They buy today for fear prices might increase in the future as consumer spending is important for economic growth. Or they invest it so that it grows, which provides capital individuals and businesses need to buy homes, grow their businesses, etc.

Also, you don’t want disinflation, where prices fall, which causes people to sit on their money waiting for addition price drops, don’t feel compelled to invest, etc. So most governments shoot for 2-3% inflation as the sweet spot.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I suggest you take a look at The Price Revolution or Spanish Price Revolution.

I personally learnt of this by reading The Wealth of Nations by Adam Smith. At first I could not understand why he belaboured it so but eventually understood; it has had a profound effect on both economics and commerce such that when Smith wrote -about a hundred years later – it was starting to become apparent.

Smith traced the cost of some items from Roman times to ‘modern’ e g. his time and showed that prices had been fairly stable pre inflation with supply and demand affecting them. For instance a war may make food transport difficult and the price rise. Post war the price returns to normal.

Post The Price Revolution we have normalised inflation. And now about 4 century later many cannot imagine an economy behaving as most did for most of history.

Also relevant is the presence or absence of an involatile wealth store/trade unit to serve as a means of exchange. It was colonisation and the discovery of American silver mines along with nee mining technology that disrupted the old Silver Standard (which is what people are usually thinking of when they discuss the Gold Standard)

Anonymous 0 Comments

Inflation is not measured well especially if you take technology into account. A phone the quality of the one I am using now could not have been bought 20 years ago. How do we compare prices for new technologies?

From 2000 to 2020 the inflation rate was supposedly around two percent but that does not take into account better phones, TV, hiking boots, safer cars, etc. It would be quite easy to show zero inflation or even deflation during this time period.

Anonymous 0 Comments


History shows economic cycles that are even more intense than what we have today. Such as cycling between double digit inflation and significant deflation.