is it actually a lot worse to mouth breathe and why is it so bad?


is it actually a lot worse to mouth breathe and why is it so bad?

In: 1900

84 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Former dental assistant here.

Mouth breathing causes dry mouth, aka less saliva. Saliva helps to protect your teeth as it washes away harmful bacteria and whatnot in your mouth. With less saliva your mouth increases in acidity due to less saliva protecting your teeth. More bacteria=gingivitis=more decay.

Also, the nose “filters” out a lot of impurities, dust etc, so when you’re breathing through your mouth you’re also breathing more impurities into your mouth.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Former dental assistant here.

Mouth breathing causes dry mouth, aka less saliva. Saliva helps to protect your teeth as it washes away harmful bacteria and whatnot in your mouth. With less saliva your mouth increases in acidity due to less saliva protecting your teeth. More bacteria=gingivitis=more decay.

Also, the nose “filters” out a lot of impurities, dust etc, so when you’re breathing through your mouth you’re also breathing more impurities into your mouth.

Anonymous 0 Comments


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Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve also read that mouth breathing over time, especially during development can alter the physical appearance and structure of your face and neck.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I recently read a study about a correlation between babies/children who mouth breathe at night and future issues such as ADD/ADHD and that it’s perhaps due to less oxygen to the brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve also read that mouth breathing over time, especially during development can alter the physical appearance and structure of your face and neck.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I recently read a study about a correlation between babies/children who mouth breathe at night and future issues such as ADD/ADHD and that it’s perhaps due to less oxygen to the brain.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I recently read a study about a correlation between babies/children who mouth breathe at night and future issues such as ADD/ADHD and that it’s perhaps due to less oxygen to the brain.