is it actually a lot worse to mouth breathe and why is it so bad?


is it actually a lot worse to mouth breathe and why is it so bad?

In: 1900

84 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Absolutely, especially at a young age it will fuck up your jaw development which will not only make it harder to breath but it will also make you uglier

Anonymous 0 Comments

Absolutely, especially at a young age it will fuck up your jaw development which will not only make it harder to breath but it will also make you uglier

Anonymous 0 Comments

Yes, check out the book Breathe by James Nestor. It’s not just bad, it changes the physiology of your face and can lead to a number of issues.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I *just* finished the book Breath. It’s all about the research on breathing. Highly recommend if it’s a topic you are interested in learning more about it!

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s WAY better because of the frequency with which you breathe! Mouth-breathing once isn’t unhealthy, but over thousands of breaths the negative effects of mouth breathing add up, and affect large, systemic things like our levels of attentiveness and even the shape of our face.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I *just* finished the book Breath. It’s all about the research on breathing. Highly recommend if it’s a topic you are interested in learning more about it!

Anonymous 0 Comments

I *just* finished the book Breath. It’s all about the research on breathing. Highly recommend if it’s a topic you are interested in learning more about it!

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s WAY better because of the frequency with which you breathe! Mouth-breathing once isn’t unhealthy, but over thousands of breaths the negative effects of mouth breathing add up, and affect large, systemic things like our levels of attentiveness and even the shape of our face.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s WAY better because of the frequency with which you breathe! Mouth-breathing once isn’t unhealthy, but over thousands of breaths the negative effects of mouth breathing add up, and affect large, systemic things like our levels of attentiveness and even the shape of our face.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Made it a quarter of a century and this is one of the only times I’ve ever heard about negatives of ‘mouth breathing’. When did this suddenly become common knowledge?