is it actually a lot worse to mouth breathe and why is it so bad?


is it actually a lot worse to mouth breathe and why is it so bad?

In: 1900

84 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mouth breathing can be harmful to your health and wellbeing, and it is important to breathe through your nose whenever possible to ensure optimal respiratory, dental, and sleep health.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Mouth breathing can be harmful to your health and wellbeing, and it is important to breathe through your nose whenever possible to ensure optimal respiratory, dental, and sleep health.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have mouth-breathing issues but my nose is usually clear and both nostrils work well. I just get to a point when trying to intentionally breathe through my nose that I feel like I’m not getting enough air into my lungs and I need to switch to inhaling through my mouth to get enough volume. According to my wife’s occasional jokes, I don’t have a small nose although it’s not huge either. I once had a doctor tell me I had abnormally large lungs for my size but I don’t know how much merit to place on that. I could peg that inhaler test with the balls for quite a while. The tooth decay, potential ADHD, and crowded teeth issues are present. Any suggestions?

Anonymous 0 Comments

What about those of us with allergies, who sometimes have to mouth breathe, but also sometimes don’t. Besides the dry mouth stuff, I’m definitely aware of that on congested days.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have mouth-breathing issues but my nose is usually clear and both nostrils work well. I just get to a point when trying to intentionally breathe through my nose that I feel like I’m not getting enough air into my lungs and I need to switch to inhaling through my mouth to get enough volume. According to my wife’s occasional jokes, I don’t have a small nose although it’s not huge either. I once had a doctor tell me I had abnormally large lungs for my size but I don’t know how much merit to place on that. I could peg that inhaler test with the balls for quite a while. The tooth decay, potential ADHD, and crowded teeth issues are present. Any suggestions?

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have mouth-breathing issues but my nose is usually clear and both nostrils work well. I just get to a point when trying to intentionally breathe through my nose that I feel like I’m not getting enough air into my lungs and I need to switch to inhaling through my mouth to get enough volume. According to my wife’s occasional jokes, I don’t have a small nose although it’s not huge either. I once had a doctor tell me I had abnormally large lungs for my size but I don’t know how much merit to place on that. I could peg that inhaler test with the balls for quite a while. The tooth decay, potential ADHD, and crowded teeth issues are present. Any suggestions?

Anonymous 0 Comments

What about those of us with allergies, who sometimes have to mouth breathe, but also sometimes don’t. Besides the dry mouth stuff, I’m definitely aware of that on congested days.

Anonymous 0 Comments

What about those of us with allergies, who sometimes have to mouth breathe, but also sometimes don’t. Besides the dry mouth stuff, I’m definitely aware of that on congested days.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This thread is scaring me. Ive been breathing through my mouth my whole life and I have no idea how to stop. I’ve tried breathing through my nose but for some reason I just cannot seem to get enough oxygen in, I don’t know what to do

Anonymous 0 Comments

This thread is scaring me. Ive been breathing through my mouth my whole life and I have no idea how to stop. I’ve tried breathing through my nose but for some reason I just cannot seem to get enough oxygen in, I don’t know what to do