Is it actually bad to wake up abruptly to an alarm clock?


Today I installed a new alarm app to help my snooze-addiction. It worked, because it used loud sounds that woke me up instantly and abruptly and I needed to get out of bed to turn them off. I noticed that the sudden loud alarm sound got my heartrate up like crazy. Is it bad for my health? Thanks.

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36 Answers

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Abrupt awakenings can have a negative impact on health relating to the adrenaline jolt, the interruption of deep sleep, and extended sleep inertia (i.e., the period upon waking from a groggy state to an alert state). The severity of “is it bad for me?” is nuanced, but these are *possible* ways in which it can be.

There are many things you can do to adjust your circadian rhythm (i.e., your body’s “natural clock”), such as having a consistent “I’m going to sleep now” time and “I’m going to wake up now” time, and ideal sleep conditions. This list could be a lot longer.

Sleep is far too undermined and crucial to overall health, so although you could argue that the consequences of not waking up in absence of an alarm are harmful (not attending to general life responsibilities), it’s extremely worthwhile to examine what’s contributing to your snooze-addiction. Slow wake alarms and lamps can certainly help as one among many solutions.

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