Is it actually bad to wake up abruptly to an alarm clock?


Today I installed a new alarm app to help my snooze-addiction. It worked, because it used loud sounds that woke me up instantly and abruptly and I needed to get out of bed to turn them off. I noticed that the sudden loud alarm sound got my heartrate up like crazy. Is it bad for my health? Thanks.

In: 61

36 Answers

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Not sleeping enough is very bad for your health (both physically and mentally).

Studies shown that all people need 7 to 8 hours of sleep. If you need more you may want to reconsider your sleep schedule or if that doesn’t work – see the doctor.

So when you are sleeping predictably just make sure you are asleep 7-8 hours before you should wake up. You won’t need the alarm clock at all.

We sleep in cycles (of around 90 minutes) it’s easy to wake up between the cycles but if your alarm clock wakes you up in the middle – you’ll be extra grumpy and sluggish after.

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