is it mathematically possible to estimate how many humans have ever lived?


Question from an actual kid, though she was eight, not five. Hopefully there’s an explanation more detailed than just “no” I can pass on to her.

In: 509

39 Answers

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there is some wiggle room for error if you go back to pre 50,000 years ago, because there was a big extinction event that knocked out almost all the humans on earth. we dont really have any idea how many there were before that. but after that we can basically trace through dna mutations how many people lived before say 3000 BC, and then we have even more data to calculate after that. and the ultimate answer is that something like 10% of the entire human population over 50,000 years, are alive today. because science increased the ability for humans to survive to such a significant degree that the population annual increase rate has grown exponentially (until now anyway, where capitalism creating mass poverty is starting to reduce the birth rate in developed countries in particular because women have to spend too much time working to be able to have kids at the same rate the previous generation did)

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