Is it true that the dark lines under yours eyes are because your not getting enough sleep?


Is it true that the dark lines under yours eyes are because your not getting enough sleep?

In: Biology

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dark eyes are predominantly a hereditary thing – they’re just eyes with thinner skin that shows more of the blood vessels, creating a darker look. This tends to get worse with ages, as your skin gets thinner. Lack of sleep (and other things) can cause blood vessels to dilate which will make eyes look puffier and darker, but it isn’t the primary cause.

As someone with permanent panda eyes it always irritates me when people bemoan their dark circles – when they’re almost imperceptible to anyone but them.

Anonymous 0 Comments

That is one major cause it can also result from hayfever, anemia, old age and a few other causes.

Anonymous 0 Comments

When you don’t get sleep your blood vessels dilate, and the skin under your eyes is much thinner so it shows much more clearly