is kerosene now the “by product” of gasoline


I’ve read that gasoline was known for years as a by product of the kerosene distillation process but originally too volatile to be used. Eventually someone came along and figured we could use it and we know what happened after that.

So my question is, during the distillation process do we go ahead and continue distilling crude the same way we did to make kerosene with the goal of obtaining gasoline?

In: Chemistry

3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

We distill crude oil into a variety of things. The process produces a whole bunch of products. Which one is the “byproduct” is really just a matter of opinion (or a point of economic speculation based on which fraction of the crude oil has the highest profit margin).

Either way, the actual distillation tower doesn’t ‘see’ a difference. It just separates the crude oil out based on boiling temperatures into several different substances.

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