Is light different in nature from other frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum?


Let me rephrase the question – Do we call the Visible Spectrum that because that’s what we can see or is there something different about that part of electromagnetic spectrum (ES) that allow vision to occur. Alternately, If light is dual in nature, being both a wave and a particle, is that the same for other parts of the ES?

Which brings me to the question that I’m most curious about; would it be possible for a creature exist that can see, the same way we see, but using frequencies from other areas of the ES?

In: 23

54 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So lets start with the fact that you’re talking specifically about what **we** can see. The visible spectrum is specific to humans other animals can actually see infrared and ultraviolet. I dont remember what animals can but you can likely find examples.

And no the visible spectrum isnt unique in that the sun also emits other wave lengths they just get refracted by the ozone layer(not all of them do but thats why depending on the location of the sun the sky will be a different color!) so we cant see them but ultraviolet and others are a part of the same spectrum and follow the same basic rules.

The only “difference” is that our eyes arent made to percieve them because wel frankly we dont need to. There is no biological advantage to seeing them for us. Other animals use them to hunt or track but we dont use those wavelengths for it so we didnt evolve to see them.

If stuff is unclear because i am incapable of explaining things please ask i am at a social gathering and any reason to not be social is a good one!

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