Is overpopulation actually a worrying thing?

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I was in a disagreement with a friend about this topic (he thought it was and I didn’t). But we both just don’t know enough about it so I came here for help on the subject. Appreciate it!

Edit: so who is (more) right, me or my friend?

In: Economics

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not really, no. Here’s a great video that explains it:

The main point is, developed countries usually have a higher quality of life (better access to health care and lower death rates) and rely more on technology-based jobs (so we need fewer workers) and so growth rates are actually going down. The same trend is expected in developing countries once they get to the same level of development.

“Overpopulation” was originally just a buzzword to justify letting poor and homeless people die out, and… kind of still is to justify not aiding poorer countries or people who desperately need clean water and food. In reality we have plenty of resources today to help the population we have today, we just do a really bad job sharing it all.

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