Is preemptive earthquake discharge possible? If yes, why seismic counties aren’t doing it?


So, earthquake is when two plates keep piling on each other and building stress/pressure that reaches a critical point and discharges all this built up energy. Is it possible do preemptively discharge this pressure while it’s still not big enough to cause serious damage? Like, with bombs or something. And if yes, why nobody does it?

In: 10

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Not at the moment, but I like your thinking. We know HOW quakes works but we can’t still predict WHEN their energy is going to be released. Or at least not in a human date of years, but as geological fact ” somewhere from now to the next few centuries”.

But for the one we know we can take the famous San Andres Fault as example, running 1,200 kilometers through the Californias, at depth of 3 km.

Pumping in/out, fracking, drilling, mining or even a bunch of nukes would cost trillions, take decades to be constructed, be very dangerous and with no hard scientific data supporting any action.

Without thinking of the political side of whom would start a project that could trigger a catastrophe of biblical proportions.

Maybe one day we will be able to control those massive energies, but for now we can only prepare for the aftermath.

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