Is someone able to erase their digital footprint, and who might they hire to do that for him/here?


In a time when people’s data is constantly being exploited, in order to gain profits and/or defame some person in positions of authority and people, how might someone, especially someone who is thinking about taking on a higher position in a company or government, go about erasing their digital trail? Do they hire someone to do that, and what kind of professional would they hire? Nowadays, people who aspire to climb up the ladder find their reputations under threat just because he/she did something randomly questionable(not harmful; ie:porn, buying sex toys, being a bit politically incorrect etc) online.

Just the fact that we have a literal computer in our pockets almost 24/7 means we will eventually do some questionable stuff online.

In: 14

33 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

This data is all on other people’s computers.

You don’t have access to their servers.

The best policy is to understand privacy / security and reduce what is out there to be collected.

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