– is the planet making more oil?


We know that oil is formed from prehistoric plants being converted to oil under pressure in the earth’s crust. Is this process still happening, but we’re not able to access new sources due to using current resources too quickly, or is there only a finite amount and we’re going to run out entirely one day?

In: 70

14 Answers

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Imagine a leaky faucet that is dripping into an infinitely large swimming pool. Every day it adds 5 more drops. Its been doing that every day since the beginning of time.

Then in the 1800s someone figures out a few ways to use it to better their lives. And then with time we figure out more and more ways to use it. Plastics, cars, etc. And there is SO MUCH of it, because its been dripping in since the beginning of time.

But the thing is, that isn’t unlimited oil. It’s A LOT of oil due to how long that slow drip has been running. And yes its still technically running. But its not filling that pool up at nearly the rate we’re emptying the pool.

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